What is Handshake?
Handshake is a career services platform that allows organizations to post employment opportunities, coordinate professional events and career fairs, and promote networking and communication between businesses and like-minded individuals.
Through Handshake, you can:
Apply for university jobs (both on-campus and off-campus)
Schedule in-person and virtual appointments with the Career Center for Life Calling career coaches
Attend virtual career development events across the United States
Apply for internships and jobs from thousands of different employers
Network with employers and peers
Log in to Handshake using your AU email address and password using single sign-on. Need help? Check out these instructions.

Access Handshake
To get connected with the Career Center for Life Calling in Handshake, use your student email address to log in, then click on the Ashland University Career Center block, which will direct you to our appointment scheduler and other resources specifically curated for Ashland University students.
Outside Employment Notice
Candidates should practice due diligence and use caution when applying for jobs and/or internships with organizations outside the university. Ashland University is not responsible for working conditions, safety, wages or other items at external employers. It is the responsibility of the student to research the integrity of any organization where they seek a job and/or internship. Submission of an application does not guarantee acceptance for a job or internship.